Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The enemy was a one man army
marshalling all troops
gathering strength and courage
we marched straight to
take on him
on seeing him at a
distance we felt embarrassed.
He was empty-handed
He was calm and quiet.
‘Hands up’ – on approaching
near him we commanded him in unison.
We trained our weapons on him
He stood non-chalantly.
We watched his eyes
glowing red.
His fierce look seemed
too ferocious.
The red glowing rays
thrust us like needles
making us convulse.
Kind of numbness overpowered
our weapons fell to
the ground
and we stood frozen.
‘Hands up’ – he ordered.
It was a deafening explosion
‘get lost, I say’ –
That deafening
explosion once more.
With thumping hearts
we ran away within
Still that glowing red
eyes followed us
like a nightmare.

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