Thursday, August 30, 2012


Thoughts never stand in queues,
they are impatient to stand in queues.
In this fast-paced world
all are in a hurry
and each one tries to rush past
the other
to storm into the safety
of the compartment of the train called mind
to have a safe seat
or at least a chance to stand
among the thick, pulling
and pushing crowd
holding tightly on to the hoods
hanging from ceiling.
In the process
some might fall down
some with frustration and impatience
wait for the approach of
next train of thoughts – the mind.
In this fast moving world
life too moves on
with maximum pace
survival of the fittest
is the motto
hence the thoughts
like the commuters
waiting for the approach
of the local train
which comes to
an abrupt halt
and abrupt start
the commuters storm
into each compartment
with the weak ones
fail in their attempts,
some who stand on
the foot board precariously with much
strain and difficulty
fall down and get
trapped between the
iron wheel and the rail
and meet with fatal ends.
Like wise
our thoughts too
without standing in queues
storm into the compartments
of the train of thoughts – the mind
each tries to rush past the other
to have a safer seat inside
or at least to stand in
the thick crowd holding onto
the hoods hanging from the ceiling.

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