Tuesday, September 16, 2014


After seven years of intimacy
in the college
each went in opposite directions
without bidding adieu.
Neither you nor I
couldn’t expect
reunion in the rest
of our life.
If such a reunion
had occurred
nothing but a miracle
or consumption of magic potion should
have taken place.
We never exchanged any
promises, assurances
or an exchange of addresses between us
our dreams which lay hidden inside the dark
corners of our mind
didn’t materialize due to our own volition.
Seven years in the same college
still no contacts
all something inexplicable.
walking down the memory lane
we might be recollecting
those sweet, pleasurable
days we spent.
In our classes, college campus,
sitting under the shadows of trees
discussing our predicament
sharing our secrets  and sorrows
about the invisible 
walls of caste and community
visiting the college canteen
sitting face to face
over a cup of tea.
And once in a while we watched
a celluloid  poem 
in the cinema nearby our college.
Now that we must
be spending our days
in different parts of the world 
with each other’s family

it is better not to try to meet again.

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