Monday, November 24, 2014


Always living in the past is foolishness.
It is like swimming
against the river of fluid.
Even  a great
swimming champion can’t move far
and it is dangerous.
Getting drowned in the
river of fluid is common.
The more one tries, the
less one can move ahead
before he/she reaches
the finishing line.
Let bygones be bygones,
I would advise.
Future is always unpredictable 
and uncertain.
Hence weaving a dream net
is always impossible and immaterial.
True, to set an eye
in the future is good
but you may not be able to
reach your goal.
Always try to
live in the present
this moment, this second,
this minute
you could taste the
sweetness of the present.
Your imagination won’t
wander thru the forests
and it would remain  in
the present only and
that would make you
cheerful and delightful.
Be you a rich man or
a poor man living in
the present is of primary importance.
Never try to rewind,
never try to forward wind
but for something important

some thing important….

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