Saturday, February 14, 2015



Fed up with the archaic laws
followed by some countries
across the world,
it is unfortunate that
the latter nations
continue to stick to the
despicable, cruel and ruthless practice
of awarding capital punishment
to the convicted criminals
without an iota of remorse and repentance.
True, the malevolent
dictators haven’t any
qualms in sentencing
the convicts to death
by beheading them in public
or stoning to death that too
in the presence of
the public or hanging
to death before a
mob to sow the
seeds of terror among them.
No wonder, these rulers
follow the horrible practice
but it is a shocking
practice which sends
chills down one’s spine.
When the developed nations
in all fields
providing care, protection,
education, health care,
employment etc etc.
These so-called democratic nations
by putting the
convicts to death
through lethal injections despite angry
reactions by those in some parts
of countries across the world
and even the citizens
of the developed nations
respond in anger for following
the acts of the government.
By preaching from atop the world
the priceless values of love, kindness, morals and ethics
human rights they immerse in

brutally punishing the convicts…….

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