Friday, May 29, 2015



Educated, but uncivilized.
Handsome, but
the face of mind is ugly.
Fiddling Nero while
the nation is burning.
Deafening explosions
piercing the eardrums
without any halt.
Lakhs and lakhs of citizens
fall prey to the bullets  and
bombs killing the former
and maiming.
Lakhs and lakhs flee for
life to the neighbouring  nations.
A doctor by profession
but cares not to measure
the pulse of his subjects.
A long chain of nightmares
haunt him several  times
disturbing his slumber
all related to impending dangers awaiting him
his family and the sycophants flattering
his non-existent
virtues  ranging  from generosity,
care for the citizens
his benevolence etc.
Despite the chasing nightmares
a ruler  stupid and stubborn by nature
like his wicked,
stupid and stubborn
father who was ruthless and wicked
towards  his subjects
the former too
clutching to his
throne like a leech

refusing to abdicate…….come what may…..

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