Saturday, July 4, 2015



Climbing up the ladder one by one
taking ample time
we reached moon
the first time in our life.
We walked and climbed the hillocks
and collected soil of
the moon and bundled it.
To our shock and surprise
we saw a man in dhoti
conducting a tea shop.
Inside we watched a
few people, both men and women sipping tea.
Aghast we whispered in each other’s ears
it is better not to
take rest  for a long time
apprehending trouble
from those people inside the tea shop.
But to our surprise we saw their
expressionless faces as if
they were not seeing us.
Anyhow we stuck to
our decision to climb up the ladder  one by one
since our ultimate aim was
reaching for the stars
glittering up in the skies.
The more we climbed up
the more was scorching heat
virtually roasting us.
Still we climbed up and up
until we  couldn’t climb up further.
The man who was in
the first ladder felt like he was
being burnt to death.
Besides him we too felt
a burning sensation
and all of us suffered
dehydration and prayed 
to God for water to quench our thirst.
We blamed ourselves
for not carrying water
before  preparing to
climb up the ladder
and should have known
about the thorns of blazing heat
being thrust into our body
as we were climbing upwards.
Someone from among
the stars shouted us
to return to Earth within no time.
It was just like an
oracle from someone up.
‘We are your forefathers
and whenever you get
aged without seeking
anyone’s permission
you would reach here’
the oracle reminded us.
On hearing the
warning we were
in a hurry to reach earth.
Unfortunately we
were far away from
the earth and we cried
and cried, prayed and prayed
for stomachfull of cold water.
We found ourselves in a state of

between the devil and hard rock.

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