Sunday, September 6, 2015



When a train derails
on its way to
a particular destination
or when a nuclear plant explodes
without displaying any sign of a snag
and snatches away the lives of thousands
or when an air-plane 
catches fire midway in the sky
or nose-dives while landing
robs away hundreds of invaluable lives
or when a war or rebellion breaks out
which could last years and years
in the process killing crores and crores
of innocent lives,
man is bound to share the blame
and each one has to atone for it.
But when an
earthquake violently shakes a land
claiming hundreds of thousands of lives
or when a Tsunami unexpectedly 
towers over a country or countries
and sows the seeds of maximum destruction
in terms  of lives of innocents and loss of properties
when nature vents it fury in the form of  
eruption of a volcano throwing out red-hot lava
flowing down a vast area
forcing thousands to flee for life

who is to blame…..?

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