Thursday, February 14, 2013


Resigned to his fate
he lay.
His mind was a
calm, serene, tranquil sea that night
within seconds
he got drowned into a sound slumber.
No thoughts, no dreams
no hope of miracles about to come to his rescue
in the last moment
he was a calm, serene
tranquil sea 
without a single ripple
disturbing that tranquility.
The demon of uncertainty
was staring at him
since the last eight years
He was a violent sea.
The Tsunami of thoughtwaves
rose to the sky and lashed against the rocks and tall structures .
Uncertainty like a python was whirling around him
squeezing him, suffocating him to death .
Each day he pondered
over his kith and kin.
That glorious days of
yester years
in his native land
blessed with magnificent landscape
that nostalgic feelings
drove him mad
often he hit his
head on the walls of
the cell
restlessly walking around the room
his hair disheveled
resembling a lunatic.
Cursing his fate
he wept, laughed
and roared.
With tears
flowing down his cheeks.
He wanted an answer,
‘Yes’ or ‘No’?
No one was there to
answer his queries
his queries, cries
laughs , all left unanswered.
……………….. After a lapse of
eight years
that evening, he got
the answer,
‘a big No. No.No
no let up’.
The noose was about to tighten
around his neck
the next morning.
At last his gnawing
pains slowly, slowly
slowly subsided
like waves of the
violent sea returning
slowly, slowly, slowly.
the sea turned calm
serene and tranquil.
After a sumptuous last supper
after offering his
prayers to God almighty.
He lay on the floor
with a smile sans pain.
He thought nothing, he
dreamt nothing
drowned in a sound
sleep, like a baby sleeping in the cradle
he lay resigned to his fate.

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