Monday, February 25, 2013


Like Gods or Godesses
adorned with beautiful garlands
and gold ornaments with
halos around them
kings or queens attired
in exquisite scintillating
and twinkling costumes
with crowns of gold studded
with sparkling gems
police officers in
khaki or thieves,
robbers or thugs
billionaires leading pompous lives
in palatial buildings
or beggars clad in torn
and grimy dresses with
begging bowls in hands
beseeching the unfamiliar
pedestrians or
commuters in the compartments
of long distance trains,
or locals or buses 
in front of temples, churches and mosques
and for that matter any
roles under the sun
sometimes even beyond the sun
ranging from heros, heroines,
villains or comedians
leading the audience
to worship, respect, fear, laugh
and even hate
everything depends
upon the roles we enact
as per the directions of directors.
Still we hate to believe
in the theory that
we are being controlled by
like slaves being
controlled and treated with punishment by kings or dictators
like whip-lashes, hanging
or being stoned to death.
It is our choice to
take up roles we like
none dares to slap his/her commands
or force us to do
something we don’t like.
Like every human being.
we too are human beings
choosing a career
or profession we like
to earn a living.
In the reel life
each could be anyone but
in the real life we
too are ordinary
mortals like any other
human beings
we are sometimes Gods or Godesses
kings or queens and their
worshippers or subjects
billionaires or beggars
thieves, thugs or robbers
and sometimes as villains

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