Tuesday, July 27, 2010


In the twilight zone of her life,

Alone, aloof and moody,

Reclining in her settee,

Or slumped into her bed,

Fondling his memories throughout,

precious moments with him,

Finds solace and salvation

In her cocoon.

The first time they met,

The temple,

Surrounded by flickering oil-lamps,

The first glance,

Exchange of unlimited sly glances,

First smile,

Exchange of boundless smiles,



The first moment they exchanged words,

Regular meetings,

At a secluded place,

First kiss,

Shower of kisses,

First dedication,

The surrender

The first pain,




Immemorable all.

Sands of time swept away

under their feet,

both knew not.

Promises exchanged not,

Tears shed profusely though,

Pangs of separation,

No adieu,

Yet saw, heard

A train chugging past,

Through unknown lands

Still like a peacock feather,

Kept by a child somewhere

In her book,

For her and only for her to see

That much possessive she was

Now his frequent -

Appearances in her dream

Wearing characteristic broad smile,

Still he in the,

Prime of his youth,

Whisperingly she inquires the secret behind,

His evergreen youth,

‘you too that cute charming girl’- replies he, 

Spends pleasurable moments,

Playing pranks,

Cracking jokes, laughing aloud,

Then as usual, the hide and seek game,

She running after him,

He hiding somewhere though,

Elusive, remains he always,

Desperate she turns,

Tears trickle down the corners of her eyes,

Once again falls into slumber,

For him to comeback,

Just to be with him,

Albeit in her dreams.   

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