Sunday, January 9, 2011


Ever since he left
without bidding adieu
to anyone
memories started to haunt her
remaining defiant to
be ‘exorcised’
plunging her into a world of
While he was very much
and visited her house
as an unpredictable guest
sometimes with her husband
both of them were intimate
her joy knew no bounds
though his presence
in the house
often led to ‘fracas’
between she and he.
He remained drunk
it was for him an ‘elixir’
for inspiration
to pen poignant, piercing poems
though not agreed in the open,
she felt he was true
but always worried
over his frail health.
His fondness toward her
was so intense that
upon arrival at the house
he used to administer
fond slap at her
his way of displaying
and she responding by
telling loudly, seriously
‘don’t touch me’
suppressing her smile
that would lead to
another fond slap
forcing her keep mum.
His intense love toward
her she knew well
but more than love
she saw in him a mischievous elder son
a son always playing nuisance
often angering her
but gritting teeth look
at him like a ferocious tigress, though for
a second
his poems she avidly
she read only his poems
in which she found
flames of love, anger, despair
and frustration
pithy all of them
often wondered whether
those acid lines came from
the mind of the
man with the frail body.
She often discussed it with
her husband
her intellectual companion for life
but never talked to him
a man who lived the
way he loved
caring two hoots to those ones
disgraced him.
She could never disgrace him
instead loved and worshipped him.
With him leaving her
leaving all
one day
she wept not
though her eye turned teary
and reddish
face stony, cloudy
about to burst out
ready to be drowned
herself in a flow of tears.
The moments with him
often quarrelling
occasionally sharing moments of love
a passionate kiss or two quite unseen
a secret both kept
to themselves
all began to haunt her

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