Friday, January 17, 2014


Genesis of Thailand imbroglio dates back to the early 2000s when Thaksin Shinawatra was catapulted to the Prime Minister’s office. His unpopular rule, rampant corruption, accumulation of billions of rupees and widespread human rights violation, neglecting the genuine problems of citizens angered a majority who decided to unite and revolt against the govt of Shinawatra and his followers widely known as ‘red-shirts’ and his loyal army and police fought against the rebels belonging to Opposition who are popularly known as ‘yellow shirts’. In the ensuing clashes, both ‘red-shirts’ and ‘yellow shirts’ suffered heavy casualties.
At last with the ‘yellow shirts’ laying siege to his office defeating ‘red-shirts’ loyal to the Shinawatra govt, he had no choice left but to flee the country handing over the rule of Thailand  in the hands of his sister Ying Luck Shinawatra. He sought refuge in Dubai and is currently watching the developments going on in Thailand where the beleaguered govt of Prime Minister Ying Luck Shinawatra is the incumbent PM.
Mass protests of forces, loyal to the Opposition leader Suthep Thaugh Suban is bent upon toppling the govt of Ying Luck Shinawatra.
With Ms.Ying Luck, now under siege of the rebels had dissolved the Parliament and announced fresh elections which was turned down by the fighting citizens owing allegiance to Opposition and Thai Election Commission.
The Opposition was in no mood to show mercy and Ms.Ying Luck appealed to them to accept her requests, but her requests turned down by the Opposition decided to announce a shutdown by blocking roads and other important landmarks. Thailand is now in a state of shutdown.
The Opposition leader Suthep Thaugh Suban demands a non-elected council to govern Thailand, in the place of a new Parliament and the resignation of Ying Luck Shinawatra which she has declined. She has decided to stick to her position come what may.
With the Opposition and the govt holding on to their positions the blockade continues in Bangkok where 12 million citizens are on the warpath. The shutdown has entered almost one week with no positive results emerging which make life miserable to millions. Anyhow, they are determined to end the rule of Thaksin clan.
Going by the developments in Thailand,  Ms.Shinawatra has to bow down to the increasing pressure of the Opposition. Ultimately she will have to follow in the steps of her brother Thaksin Shinawatra who is in self-exile in Dubai. Thai people are fed up with the ruling class, ie The Shinawatras , billionaires they are for whom the problems being faced by the millions are not a matter of concern.
No mediators have turned up to bring both contending parties to a negotiating table to chalk out a strategy to end the deepening crisis.

It’s a wonder that the Ying Luck Shinawatra remains adamant and stubborn without bending to the pressures of majorities. These days, it seems, after tasting power most of the rulers of different countries are sitting glued to their chairs.    

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