Saturday, January 4, 2014


and disappointed they turned
when the monthly
quota of 'peanuts'
thrown at them
by their employer
citing severe, unprecedented drought
to make both their ends meet and
left with no choice
they 'flew' in search of greener pastures.
After flying long, long
ardous and hazardous 'routes'
dreaming a bright morn
to their delight
they reached the doorsteps
of a wealthy employer
who offered them
attractive emoluments and
bright prospects
which elated them
elevated them 'sky-high'
their joy knew no bounds. 
With a disarming smile
the new employer in his honeyed voice whispered
them to sign under
a few papers which he
mentioned as terms
and conditions before them entering
the vast green field.
Believing him
without going through
what the terms and conditions were
they enthusiatically
and with pleasant faces put their signatures
under all the papers.
to their pain and dismay
they learnt
with unbelievingly gnawing pain that
they were his employees on a contract basis
and were
bound to work 24X7
that too
shedding once and for all
their principles and
Now they are working
as his slaves...
that too until
he orders them to
fly away and
get lost elsewhere.....

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