Sunday, October 2, 2011


Even after several days
in captivity under the terrorists
Even after ultimatums after
ultimatums to the govt of the hostage
to settle their demands
including a hefty amount as ransom
Even after the rejection of
all demands by the stern
govt of the gentleman in captivity
the captors, here, the dreaded
turned more friendly with
the hostage
hosted him a grand feast
which was something surprising
and pleasant to him
a spark of hope glimmered
in his eyes
and the friendly captors
provided him a cosy bed to sleep.
They assured him of their
decision to free him
from his ordeal the next day
the man rejoiced like
anything thinking about
his impending freedom
and freedom he achieved
even without him aware
of it.
In the deep sleep
one of the terrorists
released his soul to heaven
and thus a promise kept.

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