Friday, October 21, 2011


Come down, come down
little stars come down.
Let me touch you, let me kiss you
let me feel the brightness
of you, let me feel
the warmth of you.
Come down, come down
little stars come down
listen to my pleas
fulfill my dreams
let them materialize.
Come down, come down
little stars come down
I like you, I love you
I adore you twinkling
little stars.
Far away from you
I stand, helpless I stand,
I don’t have wings
to fly up and reach you.
Had I the wings, had I
developed the wings
I would have flown
to you, touched you, kissed you
felt the brightness of
you, felt the warmth of
Comedown, come down
little stars, blow me kisses
and in your luminous
embraces and fulfill
my long cherished dreams.

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