Monday, June 24, 2013


It is a treat to watch
a child crying for the
moon and twinkling stars
up above in the sky.
It is a treat to watch
a child playing pranks on
his/her parents, friends or
It is a treat to watch
a child falling in love
with a child of the opposite
sex and planting soft kisses 
on his/her cheeks.
The scenario undergoes vast
and inexplicable changes
when a youth, a middle-aged or an aged cries for
the moon and twinkling
stars up above the sky
or playing cruel jokes
on his/her parents, siblings
or friends and for that matter
anyone, anywhere, anytime.
It is a treat to watch
a young man falling in love
with a blonde or
vice-versa and sharing
their future dreams while walking along the sea-shore
enjoying the sea breeze or spending their intimate moments in a park
but it turns to be something
rash when he/she slaps
his/her forced love over the other.
It makes one feel sad,
sorry or exasperated
when undrawn boundaries
are crossed caring  two hoots
for them be he/she, a king/queen
and for that matter anybody.

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