Two youths, both burly
came out of a prostitute’s house
late into the night.
The glimmering
stars and full moon
woven out a pretty
saree for the land.
But for them
the thick solid
darkness would have
gulped the land
like a python swallowing its victim.
The youths, both sturdy
were walking ahead
in an elevated mood
both cracking wits.
Comfortably seated in a
chair close to the window sills
with curiosity shining in my eyes.
I was watching
them walk the talk.
In an unexpected moment
like a bolt from the blue
each lost his temper
and their pent up emotions burst out
and one of them dared to
slap the other on his cheeks.
All hell broke loose and with the speed of
lightning the other youth took out his dagger
and in a fit of fury
thrust his weapon
on the other
several times forcing the victim
fall on the floor.
He thru the dagger away
and melted
into the thin air?
Whether I alone
was the mute witness to the tragedy?
No idea, I couldn’t
sleep that night and
the nights after.
The tragic event
continue s to haunt me
even after months.