Saturday, May 29, 2010


Emily Bronte with ‘Wuthering Heights’
Though landed on top of the world,
Married loneliness
And led a barren, gloomy existence
Virginia Woolf
One blessed with all the
Charms and comforts of life
Broke ‘her stream of consciousness’ deviated
Flowed away somewhere along the path
Earth to her was an alien land
Sylvia Plath
Flew away in search of her beloved to an unknown land
Finding no delight or happiness on earth.
Jacquline Susan
Always found solace
In drugs,
And found salvation
In drugs in the end
“Once was enough” for her…
But a star from
Always preferred to
Be on earth
Yearning for love, warmth and care,
Which she got in abundance
She loved everything beautiful on earth
Like a butterfly
Fluttering around a colourful garden
Sucking the nectar of love from each flower
Its sweetness insatiable to her
The more she aspired for
the more she got.
Whenever she felt like
The depth of love, warmth and care waning
Like a baby she cried
And cried
Kicking her legs and
Hands in the air,
Despite in the cradle of love
Pain and scorn, never she could bear
As she yearned more
And more affection
Warmth and care
Even in the twilight
Of her life
She, the shining star
From heaven
Never wanted to leave earth,
As Mother Earth was heaven to her

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