Monday, June 28, 2010


City is like a giant
full of sound and fury
signifying many things.
Faceless crowd
Each man/woman, an island
A bunch of lonely-
islands bundled together.

------City like a loud explosion,
full of sound and fury,
signifying many things.
trains hooting past,
cars, rickshaws and lorries tooting down the roads
Endless talking ,verbal duels
Like a thunder crash
Forcing one to shut ears.

City like an ever growing tree
full of sound and fury
from the sky-rocketing flats and buildings
Signifying many things.
Airplanes roaring-
right above the buildings
With wings spread, lights glimmering
Round the clock.

---------City turns out to be horrible
full of sound and fury
signifying many things.
City a safe haven for underworld dons
terror elements
with bombs, grenades and guns
in their possession
ready to strike at will
anytime anywhere.

City like a dancing enchantress
Full of music and actions,
Dazzling tinsel world
flashing cameras.
Angels and machos
Dancing to the teachings
of choreographers.
Gossips, love, lust, anger and comedy
Makes the city vibrant throughout.

But city still remains a giant,
Full of sound and fury
Signifying many things.
Each lonely, wherever he/she is.

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