Saturday, April 16, 2011


Sharp conflicts in their
created a wide chasm.
Between an overbearing he
and an equally daredevil
Gossip mills in their neighbourhood
worked overtime
about the wordy duels
breaking out in the
apartment frequently.
Each sought greener
one couldn’t control the
one didn’t want to
control the either.
Days on end he went
away to somewhere else,
must be spending days
with some other woman
days on end she too
went away somewhere must
be with a new guy
But in the end after
intervals each had to return
not to patch up differences
but the apartment belonged
to both.
Expect the both be there
till the moment the
apartment is disposed off
until then both can’t say
farewell forever
as the proceeds had to be
equally shared.
Money, not love
is the ultimate deciding factor

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