Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Every morning
after daily routine
before proceeding to the railway station
neither do I promise
nor assure my wife and children
if and when they plead with me
to reach the flat at the earliest.
This cosmopolitan city
known for its magnetic charm, care and affection
and its ability to prevail upon its children
to maintain peace and harmony once
is now like a disappointed, devastated mother
which is incapable to offer us no guarantee
to our existence on her lap
since a decade.
With the inflow of hardcore
terrorists, accidents 
frequent incidents of rape, explosions and heist  
snatch away the precious lives of
hundreds of thousands of citizens.
In other words
none knows for sure
the victims whom
no one can identify faceless preys in this
city of surging crowds like the inexorable flow of water
through the rivers, that too once upon a time.
No wonder
this city, our mother and foster mother simultaneously
displays a sullen and gloomy look, pondering over

the plight and predicaments of her children.  

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