Thursday, June 25, 2015



Once upon a time
not  centuries back
two or three decades ago,
a person on superannuation
or in connection with
a transfer of one or two to three
members of staff to
other branches either
near or faraway branches
of our institution
unity of minds was
our motto.
Hence we felt
a pang of gnawing
pain on pondering
about those who
were set to leave us
and the days we were celebrating 
on special occasions
in which everybody
took part which means men and lady staffs.
When a staff was about to go for good
our institution was abuzz  with joy and cheers
hiding our pain and angst behind
the purdha of separation.
But with the flowing of time,
the unity of minds became an old story 
and the new members of staff cared not
to mind other staff.
And each one for himself/herself policy.
They are oblivious of the policy
followed by their predecessors.
And when a person
attain superannuation
and set to leave the institution
for good
none cares to give him/herself
and the man will walk out
without turning back
when the clock strikes 5pm without
bidding farewell to anyone….
Think about the bygone days
and compare those
days with the present…..     


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