Wednesday, September 16, 2015



A nation is burning
since five years.
Civilians are fireflies
in the war-torn country.
Millions already burnt
millions continue to
plunge  into the towering inferno.
A war-ravaged country,
any war-ravaged country for that matter
is like a convict
being led to the gallows.
Due to sheer luck
millions find escape-route
before turning victims
from frequent explosions and raging fire
and run away for life
leaving all their wealth
and other belongings
jumping the hurdles
built by other nations
facing all odds and pitch tents
fall prey to poverty, famine, diseases,
ultimately finding 
solace in tragic deaths.
Ignoring the precious lives of the people
‘BIG GUNS’ jump into the fray
and while one extends support the war-torn country
another takes up cudgels against the latter
Life of millions are of
no value to those so-called

‘BIG GUNS’……  

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