Monday, April 26, 2010


Like a blooming flower
Crushed and torn to pieces
Like a sapling nipped in the bud
Like lamp’s light blown away
Like a human life crushed under
A heavy nailed boot
Like a helpless journalist hostage
Begging for life
being beheaded by a terrorist
Like a girl child in a desert
Chased and gang raped to death
Like an eagle flying round in the sky
with prying eyes on citing its victim
flys down with in split seconds
snatches its prey and shoots high into the sky
Like a revolutionary being blind-folded
His hands tied in the back and shot dead in cold-blood
by a law-enforcer
Like a bomb exploding in the
face of a pedestrian
Like a suicide bomber
Ramming his vehicle into a crowd and
triggering an explosion
With mangled body parts strewn around
Like the God Almighty smiling
At the rich and mocking the poor,
The world is an upset apple-cart.

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