Thursday, November 10, 2011


The roaring tiger
sped past piercing the
darkness like a bullet
through the thick of
Barring a man and a lady
all others dropped into the depths of sleep
some waited for sleep
to bless them wrapped in
woolen clothes in
the berths.
The man and lady
sitting close to each other
his hand resting on her
lap were all talks for
the entire day and even
What all transpired between
whether they were man
and wife
or love-birds
none knew for sure.
The night passed
the day bloomed
all woke up in the morning
but I was flabbergasted
when I saw the man
sitting alone in the
I waited for sometime
but the lady was
nowhere in the picture
gathering courage I asked
him about the lady
who was with him
till late into the night.
His nonchalant reply
was :
the lady got in some
where along the way
and got down some
where along the way.
I found his answer
and I felt something
fishy in his body-language.
Whither vanished the lady in the
deep darkness?

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