Friday, July 5, 2013


With the fall of each spring
he came to her
with a treasure trove of love.
With his arrival
her spring time bloomed
her numbing thoughts disappeared
with him sharing stories after stories
all colourful and scented
while walking along
the sprawling garden tending flowers
under the moonlit sky
with his arm around
her waist with one hand.
Both of them
would stand facing each other at times
with emotions surging  would lock in embrace
lips feeling lips.
Their painful thoughts of spring
clearing way for next season
got drowned in their
hilarious days of spring.
On this very earth
where everything remains ephemeral
where time does not have a full stop
both had to come to
terms with the eventual farewell however.
With him leaving him with a heavy heart
with her bidding tearful adieu at the end of
each spring her
her wait for her Spring would begin…..

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