Saturday, January 18, 2014


The snow white kitten lay on her lap
enjoying her warmth and affection.
Like a mother
fondling and showering
kisses on her baby
singing lullabies
in her/his ears
making him/her fall asleep
she would often lift the
kitten and  rain kisses on him/her,
in the process she experienced
the fulfillment of a mother’s dreams.
The kitten shadowed
her wherever she went 
they would sometimes
play hide and seek for fun’s sake.
She would often lapse
into sort of gloom and silence
on pondering
over her impending marriage with a
handsome youth
bidding farewell to everyone at home
including her kitten
her dearest friend  at home
 to the bridegroom’s abode.
That painful feeling
often made her eyes
go moist and a lump in the throat feeling
overpowered her.
At last
she would turn philosophical
about the ultimate truth
nothing other than life.
In the life of everyone
separations and reunions
are part and parcel
of one’s existence.
she would draw solace

and fall into deep sleep….

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