Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Piercing the dark musical silence
late into the night
heard she
the cries of a cute
gem of a baby somewhere
from afar.
Not the first time
she was listening to it
whenever the cries resounded
in her ears,
it always came piercing
the dark silence
late into the nights.
The mother in her
always wished and prayed
with her adrenaline flowing
pulse rates rising fast
for the approach of
the eluding babe
to appear before her
to soothe her restless soul.
Her snoring better-half
occupying the
better-half of the bed
beside her
never, ever listened to
the cries of the baby
being selfish
and possessive,
kept she her secret
close to her bosom.
Her imagination took wings
the cute little bony baby
appeared before her
she caressed and fondled
rested the cute angel
in her lap and
made it a cradle
planted kisses and kisses
on the babe's cheeks
over her tender, soft body
her motherly fascination, excitement,
ecstasy unlimited.......
words hesitate on such rare moments
her elated feelings.
Fed she with her breast-milk
laying the cute pretty doll
beside her side
and when satisfied
she with her toothless
smiles,glanced at her,
profusely smiled and smiled
kicking her legs and hands
in the air
the invaluable gem's looks
lifted her upto
celestial heights.
Imagination never lasts
for long,
her cute, little unborn angel
with an innocent, dimpled
enjoying the musical
went hiding somewhere
leaving her sobbing......

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