Sunday, November 21, 2010


How ecstatic we were yesterday.....?
in the light of oil-wick lamps
they hung us, garlands
on two strings fastened to
two ends of sculpted pillars
standing parallel to each other
at each side of the path to
sanctum sanctorum
with pilgrims standing beside us
with folded palms
their half-closed eyes
centred on the ornamented
garlanded Idol
bells chanting
hymns coinciding
ambience spiritual.
After all were gone
upon culmination
of the day's worship,
the ones who hung us
on either side,
(recall how happy we were
like Him and
the pilgrims?)
the ones who hung us
happily at the outset
ruthlessly removed us
and heaped us
in a corner,
wait for a moment
today, our younger ones
would be hung up on
either side
like us they too
would rejoice
unaware of
the consequences
in the end
to get forcibly separated
and piled-up
in a corner
upon completion
of day's ritual.
Even God not
taking care of us.
We the unrequitted products of

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