Saturday, September 13, 2014


In this country of millions
I am not alone.
In this part of the country
where thousands of citizens
spend their lives
I am not alone.
And for that matter
wherever in the world
I am not alone.
But the burning issue
of being left alone
or the agonizing problem
being left alone
what matters is the
crisis of identity
what matters is the
faceless crowds.
What matters is the agony of existence.
In any city, that which you or
I experience is the
lack of recognition, the quest for recognition
for which many
people crave for and go to very great lengths
In order to carve out
a niche for themselves among the citizens.
Either aim for
being famous  or notoriety.
In this world of
those who lead a movement
to force the colonialists
flee from the nation
or persons of administrative  acumen
or accomplished writers
and artists in various fields across the world
or the wicked rulers
who fought to the hilt
and fight to the hilt against the citizens
like Hitler, Mussolin,
Idi Amin et al, malevolent dictators they were
who too must have
nurtured the ambitions
of turning notorious abound
like one irrigating poisonous plants or trees.
Crisis of identity,
quest for recognition,
agony of existence
are among the
several problems of

the new era needling the mankind….

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