Sunday, November 9, 2014


On the look-out for
my friend
who went missing since an year
I have already traversed
long distance
rivers, streams, hills,
mountains, villages
and cities…..
and despite all my search
I couldn’t fish him out.
But on reaching this holy land
I had an intuition that
he must be somewhere here
immersed in meditation
and I vowed to find
him wherever he was
and with that intuition
in my mind
I spent a long duration
searching him on the
nook and cranny of the land
inquired about such a man
whose features I explained
to each man in detail
and I could get the stock reply
which was that all
of them are recalling
such a man
but none could point out
where he was…
Caressing and embracing
such a dream
I couldn’t feel like
leaving this land
and I am very much
here since a long period
often pondering about
the possibility of
someone from my village
roaming and roaming across
this land in search of myself…
I never nursed and nurtured
the hope of leaving this land

and return to my village….

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