Saturday, May 16, 2015



Days seem
to be exceptionally long and
boring in this part of the land.
To sit idly without
any jobs is simply put is unthinkable.
In the city where we were living
familiar faces were
dime a dozen.
While coming out of the
residence during the
evening walks.
I always kept on smiling and pleasing.
To return a smile
to those who smiled at
me even though some
are strange faces.
It is almost six kilometers away from
the city
this is a semi-urban area.
The crowd, the business establishments,
hotels, cinemas, super-speciality, hospitals, studios
a number of vehicles
tooting and hooting
speeding along are
absent in this part of the area.
Though flats and 
villas are seen everywhere
all faces are unfamiliar.
To escape from the
monotony of everyday existence
I have a number of
options up my sleeve
like reading, writing.
Television watching,
listening to music
which lifts me
to an ethereal world
forgetting sorrows
and daily evening walks.
Though nostalgia is not an
apt word it is something equivalent
to explain my feelings.



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