Sunday, December 12, 2010


like a damsel
after playing truant
for days,
made her appearance
to the delight of
all across the land.
came out of our
holed up in our havens
due to
torrential rains,
its murmurs, whispers,
and occasional roars,
of storms and thunder
frightening us
for days together.
The warm sun-rays,
of the morning,
caressed us,
hugged us,
energized us,
refreshed us
and stood
bathed in the
As warm sun-rays
with the travel of the
into the middle of the
azure sky
rays turned hotter
and hotter,
we moved away
went inside
some huddled together
under a banyan tree.
Still the rain-drops
like shining beads of pearls
were coming down
from leaves to leaves
until the pearls one by one
fell down on to the ground
and like glasses getting
we watched them
with joy and eagerness.
Evening came,
land draped in
a shining, glittering
gold costume,
the twilight,
as the sun reached the
surrounded by crimson shade
he moved down, down,
with the promise of
meeting us within twelve hours,
damsel of the morning
damsel of the evening
each one and the same.
As the weather cycles
playing according to its
whims and fancies in the
modern times
whether we could expect
for sure
sun would keep his
promise of visiting us
after twelve hours,
will it be another spell of
torrential rains, storms and thunders?

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