Saturday, October 15, 2011


With the onset of sunset
six friends coming from
different corners of the city
meet at the coffee house
in the heart of the city
and are seated around a
round table.
Being daily visitors
all are familiar to the
man at the counter as well
as waiters on duty.
The youth discuss many things
under the sun
beginning from regional
national and international
but what all they talk
about are not known to those
familiar to them.
Arab spring, Libyan fights
Syrian massacres, European recession
Occupy Wall Street Movement
down to food inflation
starvation deaths, malnourishment
women empowerment, infrastructure, sanitation
the hydra of corruption
whirling around the
national wealth, and squeezing the essence
terror attacks
down to regional
matters, all come up
for their discussions, debates
while they sip the
hot tea or coffee.
In a world where there
are no dearth of
subjects to be discussed
and deliberated upon
they know no boredom.
After the fading away
of twilight
before the blanket of darkness coming
down enveloping the city
the street lamps
start flickering
banishing the darkness
they bid bye to
each other
with the promise of
meeting again the
next day.

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