Sunday, October 30, 2011


This conch-shell is
a gift to
me by mother
which is a store-house
of dreams, imaginations
emotions and musical
waves of the seas.
I often sit with it
glued to my ears
listening to the emotional
flows, the whisperings
of stars
the soliloquy of a
lonely moon
the musical waves of
the seas
and the collage
of dreams.
Sometimes I blow the
and let out the dreams
imaginations, emotions
and musical waves.
The more I blow
and let out
the more come inside.
The amount of joy
and delight
I am at a loss
to describe.
Let me sleep with the
conch-shell close to
my ears and pass
through beautiful dreams
emotional flows
whispering of stars and the soliloquy
of lonely moon.

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