Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ever since I saw you
In the midst of the crowd
like a butterfly
fluttering around
a red rose in a garden
Mad after you I was.
I recall the day I saw you
at the sea-shore
under a glittering star-lit blue sky
attired in an angelic costume
like a bird flapping its wings
or a gyrating princess wearing a white cap
with madness shining in my eyes,
me running towards you
for giving you a warm hug and a kiss,
and you
within a split-second,
melted into the thin air,
leaving me alone at the shore
desperate I went.
One day
in broad-daylight
under the azure sky
with sun eyeing you from up above
saw you
In the guise of a lotus flower
In the middle of
a blue, transparent, calm lake
my heart beating fast,
jumped me into the lake,
disturbing its calmness,
setting of ripples and
them forming wider and wider circles
at last caressing the boundaries of the lake with
love and affection
swam I with all might
to reach you
reaching arms-length from you,
sunk you into the bottomless lake
leaving me sad and a sense of loss
overpowering me.

Another day
during channel surfing
came across you
in enchanting colours,
singing melodiously
dancing rhythmically
and within a split-second
vanished you, somewhere
into the background
leaving me frustrated.
Desperate, frustrated, disappointed
my days passed by
in a blue moon,
appeared you in my dreams,
“Dear, how long I was waiting
for you, you know?”-
asked I to you.
“But dear, you see I am blessed with an owner,
and am happy and well
under his care and love”
was your response.
“No, you are mine,
mine only
won’t let another one own you”
shivering words and queering lips
extending my hands
tried me reach out to her
ecstasy flashing in my eyes,
I woke up. But she was nowhere around.

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