Saturday, March 16, 2013


Witnesses we are
to many a thing in life.
It could be anything
might be tragedies
ranging from deaths
suicides, accidents,
which would rock our hearts and soul
diseases, poverty
which could bring
tears to our eyes.
It could be anything
might be something
which could make
us burst out laughing
forgetting everything
which drive us to
laugh and repeatedly laugh
till we bite the dust.
It could be anything
might be something
which could bring
cheers to our lips
like festivals, celebrations
auspicious ceremonies
like engagements, marriages
sweet melodies, rhythmic and scintillating
dances, poems in celluloid
scenes of lovers walking
along the beach hand  in hand
enjoying the infinite beauty of the sea,
scenes of them exchanging warm kisses
or sharing ice-creams in
illuminated, fascinating , decorated restaurants
the secrets each
whispers in one another’s ears
heart-warming sunrise
sunsets, which make us
joyous tinged
with sorrow, memories we
keep to ourselves which
could lift us to the sky with elation.
It could be anything
might be something which
would force us to the
verge of pain like agony of separation
like farewells,
frequently squabbling couples,
divorces, unrequited love, cheating, despair, elegies  
which could make our ache with sorrow
anything it could be. 
All the sum total of
our existence
from which an
escape is virtually impossible.
Human existence is a vast volume
the contents of which are
tragedies, comedies,
celebrations and separations
be it for a short term
a long term or forever.   

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