Wednesday, July 1, 2015



Like a football being
kicked and tossed around by
a group of football players
or like a cat for the
sake of fun kick and toss a
mouse around before
killing and swallowing it
he is being tossed
and kicked by his
authorities  across the
length and breadth of the nation
and get on his nerves
but suppress it.
On thinking about
his parents  and siblings
since he is the sole
breadwinner of his family
he obeys his authorities
otherwise faces the wrath of
his authorities
who might show the
door and thus dispense with his  service.
He is aware of  such instances
Charge with gross insubordination.
If he were a
descendant of a wealthy family
he would not have
continued and remained subservient  
towards the institution where he served.
But he being the sole breadwinner
of his family he allows himself
to be tossed around
till the very bottom of his patience.
Intentionally playing
into the hands of
the higher-ups though
heavy is a fun also.

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