Thursday, October 21, 2010


Once I thought,
and believed
my mother is wholly mine
mine only.
Too possessive I was
never ever entertained
me the thought of
she belonging to another
unendurable and painful
the very thought to me.
Her warm shower
of kisses
warmth of her breasts
her lap my cradle.
Mother's proximity
I always cherished
she leaving me alone,
I couldn't stand,
that made me cry
aloud, weep and sob
showered she with
warm kisses
made me hear the whispering
music of her heart
her lap of my cradle.
Tending me
caressing me
embracing me
all made me think and
remain she would
always mine, my role-model.
One night my string of sleep
got broken
and found her missing
from my proximity, the bed,
and in the dim-light of
zero-watt bulb
to my shock
I saw her
in the arms of father.
With all fury and sorrow
angered at the betrayal
of my mother
a full-throated cry
a prolonged one
blurted out of me
like a spontaneous overflow of
painful emotions.
Father angered at my
full-throate 'music'
gave me a hard slap
a shocking one it was
aching my body and mind
and that day onwards
I saw in my father
a rival
and my father
saw in me his rival
and mother remaining
a silent smiling witness.
My sharp glance at her
made no difference in her
still smiling as always
and that made me
too furious......

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