Saturday, May 21, 2011


Ever since Fatah party led by Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas led by Khalid Mishal joined hands Israel lost sleep as both Fatah and Hamas coming together was beyond wildest of its dreams. The very name Hamas is anathema to Israel and to wipe out the movement it is still willing to go to any great lengths as Hamas movement continues to be a nightmare to Israel. While Hamas governs the Gaza strip the Fatah movement controls the West Bank – How is it possible for a country like Israel to recognize Hamas which considers the Hamas movement a terrorist organization which is out to destroy the very existence of Israel? Hence whenever a chance befalls, I mean here, a provocation from the part of Hamas, Israel takes the opportunity to strike hard killing hundreds of Palestinian citizens.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on a state visit to US, its well-wisher of all times. The man together with his wife arrived in USA on early Friday and a meeting with Obama was a certainty.
Even before Mr.Netanyahu reached US, US President Barack Obama put forward a suggestion to Israel to defuse the crisis that exists since decades between Israel and Palestine. There is nothing new in the suggestion and it was done in cavalier way. That Israel should come down to the pre-1967 period, please note here, the position before the six day war fought between Israel and the Arab nations and the annexation by Israel of West Bank, East Jerusalem and part of Gaza strip, thus widening its influence. Obama appealed to Israeli government to return the annexed lands to Palestine thus enabling both Israel and Palestine to come to terms. Obama’s suggestion was summarily rejected by Netanyahu not at all surprising it and Netanyahu made it clear that there is no question of returning the captured lands as a large number of settlements have already risen up there and the question of demolishing them and vacating the places don’t arise.
Obama, or for that matter, even God Almighty won’t be able to prevail upon Israel and hence the possibility of ending the decades long strife between the two nations is out of question. The Republicans of America too are against the proposition of Barack Obama and they have extended whole-hearted support to Netanyahu.
Even before meeting each other one man putting forward a suggestion and the other man rejecting it outright sans any discussions the man from Israel together with his wife paying a visit to US must be a pleasure trip at the expense of his country.

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