Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It was a defining moment in the history of Palestine when the Fatah party led by Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas led by Khalid Mishel after years of animosity buried their differences and move ahead jointly for the cause of Palestine. The representatives of Fatah party and Hamas Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyah respectively met in Egypt under the mediator, the present dispensation of Egypt to iron out their differences to move jointly in future. Naturally the coming together of Fatah Party and Hamas was not to the taste of Israel as it considered Hamas as a terrorist organization. But behind the coming together of Fatah party and Hamas it was the untiring efforts of Mahmoud Abbas.
Most probably it is the recent Arab spring which proved to be the catalyst behind the ironing out of differences between the two organizations. Arab spring brought about vast changes in thinking across the Arab world and that reflected in Palestine also.
Literally the animosity between Fatah and Hamaz did result in weakening the cause of Palestine and as long as they remained proclaimed enemies, the one nation which was overjoyed was Israel. Not only Israel but also its all time well-wishers US and European Union. With the joining hands of the two organizations which was long overdue besides Israel, both US and European Union took it badly.
Hamas, it is to be remembered is a strong organization consisting of hard-liners. Its strength could be surmised by its winning the elections cornering a majority in 2007.
Since then intermittent clashes and one war occurred, a fiercely fought one, between Hamas and Israel. In the war termed Operation Cast Lead, Israel bombarded the Hamas held areas killing more than 1400 citizens which was deplored by the international community. It was Egypt, then under Hosni Mubarak which opened the way for the refugees to flee the country to Egypt then.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister widely known as a hawk is a permanent head-ache to the Palestinians and his taking strong exception to the burying the differences of Fatah party and Hamas is understandable.
It is certainly good for the cause of Palestine that the new found bonhomie of two organizations has brought about.
US and European Union instead of conniving with Israel should prevail upon Israel to bury the hatchet and recognize the existence of a Palestinian State thus bringing peace to the region. It is to be remembered that since 1948 the area has known no peace, thousands laid their lives both of Israel and Palestine.
Furthermore US and European Union should have to throw away their inhibitions and should contribute to the utmost of their capacity for the rapid progress of Palestine and play the roles of mediators in the Middle East.

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