Monday, January 10, 2011


Positive thinker
as always was
all advices.
‘Don’t throw away
this delicate gem of a gift
called life
and break it
into pieces.
Life has a meaning
and continue to give
it a meaning.
Never think on negative
never B -ve.
B +ve always.
Life on this beautiful
is a boon of God
remember always.
Enjoy it
please, please don’t
throw away the
precious delicate gift
and break it into pieces
like a glass bowl thrown
against the hard rock
of adversity
on the wayside.’
All said and done
why the gentleman
with no apparent reason
threw away the precious
the glass bowl of life
against a hard rock
and broke himself
into pieces one day?
Still an enigma
without any answer
so far
like this life itself
ever elusive…..

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