Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Both of them
loved each other
intensely, passionately
right from their college
Both ventured into
the mainstream politics
braved lathis, batons and teargas shells
and water canons jointly.
His pain was her’s
her pain his
both shared
each other’s pains
both’s blood the same colour
Like both exchanging
each other’s secrets
in whispers.
College to full time
dedicated and devoted
both to politics
and both to each other.
Both had
to brave, defy
each other’s parents,
their betrothal
already solemnized
by their well-wishers.
Loved each other
shared each other
their privacies
not for others
to eavesdrop.
The nuptial knot
he tied around her
throbbing neck
gem of a life
to her
and his mind
jumped, jumped and jumped
with the pride of an owner
and he
always her pride
companion for life.
Their children
their pride possessions
pretty colourful flowers
in their garden of life
in their garden of their love
and both companions
for life.
somewhere, somebody
sits ,decides and writes
how far stream
of harmony should flow
where to chalk out
two separate paths
for both of them
when to start walking
and choose
each’s path
where to put an end
to one’s walk
albeit the gnawing pain
from then onwards one will have to
live in other’s inner
chambers of heart
or carrying beloved’s
soul in one…..
nothing but destiny……..

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