Friday, July 29, 2011


the strong arm tactics
of the management
equally defiant united union
often clashed with sparks flying
all around.
The might of the determined
and the equally mighty united
union upon clashing
with renewed vigour
often ended in conflagration
causing massive loss to
the institution
at last the management cowed
down under pressure
with the sharp edge of
the weapon of strong army tactics getting
blunted in the process.
Of late
with information technology
leaping forward
managment too blessed
with a leaway
and instead of strong measures
to drive a wedge
in the union which is too easy
often befriending a
faction of it
and thus brother
pitted against brother
with trade unions often
losing the upper hand.
Now we are
several unions
one hates to have a
tolerant view of the
with the mighty giant
having the last laugh
and the victims using antiquated weapons
fighting losing battles.

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