Sunday, July 10, 2011


Before heading straight
to the drawing room,
before giving life to
the television
before a new world
of news, serials, features
and commercials to
flash across the channels,
I took a teaspoon full
of salt from
the kitchen
to the embarrassment and surprise
of my wife.
And placed the teaspoonfull of salt
over the teapoy.
Switched on the lights and TV,
frothing light filled the
television came to
and I started channel surfing.
Then chose a channel
the news is going on
with commercials in between.
The commercials made my
head squirm
they appeared like raunchy
beckoning the clients
and promises of the gratification
inviting each to taste
and feel the difference
and the assurances of an
elevated feeling
a gratifying time
all the products of
somebody’s imagination.
Upon watching each commercial
I took up my teaspoon full
of salt
I held in my hand
till the commercials came
to an end.
The programme went on
in came another issue of
all tall promises
assurances of a better time
all well-tested and proven
beyond doubt
certified by so and so
my head squirmed again
I asked my wife
to bring me a
table-spoon of salt
to her deep embarrassment and consternation.
World it seems is
a long commercial film
interspersed with crumbs of
important programmes.

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